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Ethics Extravaganza 2024

Ethics Extravaganza 2024

Extended to July 15, 2024


Photo credit: Paul Carter, We Do It In Public. Used with permission.

Our 10th online ethics conference, Ethics Extravaganza 2024, is made up of E CERP presentations from our conferences in the previous years plus some new presentations. iLactation offers 5.00 E CERPs for IBCLCs around the world to help satisfy the requirement for a minimum of 5 E CERPs on ethics and related topics for IBCLC re-certification. We have 4 presentations, 2 are listed below. See link at bottom left for full details.


Microbiota and lactation, ethics and truth of their applications

José María Paricio Talayero, MD, PhD - Read more

Breastfeeding to the rescue

Myrte van Lonkhuijsen, IBCLC - Read more

World-class line-up of
speakers and topics

Join our annual Ethics Extravaganza to satisfy your IBCLC re-certification requirements. Different speakers and topics each year.

See full presentation list

Affordable continuing education credits

Economical price structure taking global economic disparities into consideration.

Registration prices

open now

View our conference at home, at work, or on the move, and on any devices. No flights, no hotels, no jet-lag!
