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Ethics Extravaganza 2024

Extended to July 15, 2024



Ethics Extravaganza 2024, offers 5.00 E CERPs for IBCLCs around the world to help satisfy the requirement for a minimum of 5.00 E CERPs on ethics and related topics for IBCLC recertification.

Some of the presentations for Ethics Extravaganza are new and some are drawn from previous iLactation conferences. Anyone is welcome to register, but please note that for IBLCE re-certification, you can claim only for presentations that you have not viewed previously. CLCs can also use these CERPs for re-certification.

Microbiota and lactation, ethics and truth of their applications

José María Paricio Talayero, MD, PhD - Read more

Breastfeeding to the rescue

Myrte van Lonkhuijsen, IBCLC - Read more

Breastfeeding as a human right: the evidence, the ethics and the urgency

Ellen Maughan, JD, IBCLC - Read more

Ethical issues in human milk exchange

Naomi Bar-Yam, MSW, PhD, ACSW - Read more