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Online Breastfeeding Conference

Sept 15 - Dec 15, 2024


Flourishing, our 25th online breastfeeding conference in English covers a wide range of topics to inform and guide your clinical practice and to inspire and challenge your thinking about breastfeeding, nutrition and human lactation.

Innovative breastfeeding education

Michelle Simmons, RN, RM, IBCLC, Master of Nursing (Clinical leadership) - Read more

How to deal with the mastitis-spectrum, the Dutch way?

Annet Mulder, IBCLC & Marjes Elling, IBCLC - Read more

Letting down while hot flashing: a perimenopausal guide to lactation

Laurel Wilson, IBCLC, RLC, INHC, CLSP, CLE, CCCE, CLD - Read more

"We all believe in breastfeeding": Australian midwives experience of maintaining Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative

Andini Pramono, BPH, MPH, IBCLC, PhD - Read more

Islam and breastfeeding support: understanding cultural and clinical needs, as well as religious dispensations

Zainab Yate, MSc, BSc, CCHt - Read more

Perspectives in infant mental health for successful lactation

Paulina Erices-Ocampo, PhD(c), IBCLC - Read more

The scoop on poop: understanding infant defecation

Megan Dunn, BS, IBCLC, C-NLDS - Read more

Providing lactation support for the neurodiverse family - a team approach

Sabrina Barber, BSN, RN, IBCLC, CD, CIMI - Read more

The tenderness & troubles of supporting UK Black postnatal families

Lorna Phillip, NNEB, PGCert Public Health, certified doula - Read more

Impact of body image on breastfeeding

Samantha Wyton, MBBS, DCH, Clin Dip Pall Care, FRACGP - Read more

Breastfeeding & sexual wellbeing

Sam Geuens, MSc, MA, PG - Read more

Low milk production detective work: assessment and care plan considerations

Melissa Cole, MS, IBCLC - Read more

Supporting breastfeeding in substance use disorder: a patient-centered approach

Katherine Standish, MD, MSc - Read more

Improving visibility and investments in breastfeeding

Julie Smith, BEc(hons)/BA(Asian Studies), PhD - Read more

The commercial determinants of health and breastfeeding

Mélissa Mialon, BSc, MSc, PhD - Read more

Is it a lip tie? Implications of the maxillary frenulum on breastfeeding 2024

Gina Weissman, DMD, RN, IBCLC, FABM - Read more

Mysterious manuscript, our own beliefs, and opinion of a brother-in-law's cousin's sister. How to approach evidence-based data in the field of medications in lactation.
A balancing act. How to assess risk vs benefit ratio when it comes to  depressive spectrum disorders medications in lactation.

Karolina Morze, MPharm - Read more

More details coming soon