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iLactation is not just another online breastfeeding conference!

That’s because it’s an exciting venture developed by two passionate IBCLC lactation consultants who have been living, working, raising their families and helping mothers, families and babies in Australasia for years and years. iLactation has been running multiple international online conferences each year since 2012.

We know how challenging and expensive it can be to attend in-person international conferences in the pursuit of up-to-date breastfeeding knowledge and continuing education credits. We understand the unique situation of cross-cultural living, and are committed to furthering the dissemination of information into languages other than English. In addition to our English conferences, we also have conferences in Spanish and Dutch.

Our online conferences offer a convenient, carbon neutral and economical way to access presentations by the top international speakers in the field of breastfeeding and human lactation, and to receive continuing education credits.  We seek out current research and international knowledge and share it through our online conferences, where we are better able to reach health professionals around the globe than face-to-face conferences.

iLactation was launched with our fun video What does your mother do? on IBCLC Day 2012.  With over 12,000 hits in 92 countries in three weeks, and now translated into twelve languages, it features children around the world talking about their mothers, who all work with breastfeeding mothers and babies.

Sarah Hung, BSc (Hons), MSc, IBCLC

Sarah Hung

Sarah was first accredited as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant in 2001. She ran a private practice called Lotus Lactation in Hong Kong for several years, and previously worked on the Maternity Ward of the Matilda International Hospital in Hong Kong. Once upon a time she was a mathematician and a transport planner…

Sarah trained in the community with La Leche League and was accredited as a Leader in July 1995 at the 14th International Conference of LLLI in Chicago. She has helped mothers with breastfeeding problems (in person, over the telephone and via email) and lead LLL meetings in Hong Kong for over 25 years.

Sarah has four children all of whom were breastfed. Her interests have included keeping terrapins, brick collecting and family history. Sarah re-located to the UK three years ago.

Iona Macnab, BA (Hons), LLB, IBCLC

Iona Macnab

Iona has helped mothers and babies from Australia, Japan, the USA, Canada, the UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, the Middle East and Europe since becoming a La Leche League Leader in Tokyo in 1997, and a professional IBCLC lactation consultant in 2002. She currently serves as the President of the International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) Board of Directors, she has been on ILCA Board since 2017 and is a past Conference Convenor for LCANZ.

A former lawyer who got distracted by Japan and babies, Iona established Blue Sky, a community for mothers and babies in Tokyo, which she ran from 2001 to 2012. She then set up her Australian private lactation practice Feed Baby Sleep to offer families around the world access to breastfeeding support via skype and email.

Iona’s three breastfed children were all born outside her home culture, so she knows first-hand how important chocolate and good support for birth and breastfeeding can be when you are far from family and friends.